No Locations Found

Remember – we are providing a free service for Australian residents looking to save on bottled LPG right here in Australia. But, like most businesses – we use Google maps which cover the entire globe. So if you enter the name of a city, town, or suburb which is duplicated in another country, a map like the one above may pop up.

Right here in Australia, Richmond is a classic example of duplication. There is a Richmond in six of our States and Territories. So try adding  NSW, VIC, or TAS if you know the State/Territory.

Our best suggestion is to start your search with a postcode. With only 4 numerals, you are less likely to make a data entry error than if you try to spell the name of an unfamiliar town or suburb.  

10/10/2023 Fiona @ Mareeba Sheds says

Thanks – you guys are still generating a lot of business for us and it is greatly appreciated